This That And Frog Hair2: It's Starting.

Monday, October 02, 2006

It's Starting.

If you have a strong stomach and can handle this here is a read that will probably be used as facts against the conseratives. Some is fact woven with less than facts. It appears the conseratives should move forward and clean house before they lose the chance.

Rabbit Hole Of Elitist Perversion Far Deeper
Than FoleyMedia obsession
with E Mails of sicko Republican congressman overshadowed by ignored White House child prostitution scandal, Halliburton sex slavery evil

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison October 2 2006

Revelations about a Florida Congressman that have mired the Republicans in another sex scandal over the weekend continue to rumble across the media spectrum today - but the true scale of organized child sex slavery rings and their connection to the elite is uniformly omitted from polite conversation.

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This That And Frog Hair2: It's Starting.
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